Indeed, PETA gives the rest of us animal lovers a bad name. By the way, you forgot the whole jumping onto fashion runways and interrupting shows to spraypaint anything that looks remotely like fur - even faux fur used instead of real fur. (It only jumps to mind because my sister's a fashion major, and thus researched extensively into fur and the issues surrounding it.)

Steve Irwin is awesome, and if they knew anything about him or about animals, they'd know he wasn't antagonizing them but instead trying to educate people about them so that they would accept and love the animals they'd normally find terrifying. (They'd also know a stingray, in every other instance, isn't really considered a dangerous animal, which makes his death very ironic. In fact, the only way it could've been more ironic is if he was killed by a baby bunny. And not a killer one from Monty Python either.)

So, yeah, not feeling much love for PETA over here, either.
