Extensive list coming atcha'!

Normal: Snorlax.
Battle performances against Gary, Harrison, and Greta just speak for themselves.

Fighting: Infernape.
Hawlucha ain't quite there yet.

Flying: Staraptor.
Close Combat gives him the slight edge over Talonflame, not to mention that Talonflame has Flame Body instead of Gale Wings which would have been its one perk over the Sinnoh bird.

Poison: Bulbasaur.
With the rarely used Muk as the only other choice, this really wasn't that hard to pick.

Ground: Krookodile.
The only thing worth watching in that godawful Unova League was this guy's Aerial Ace finisher. Trust me on that.

Rock: Boldore.
Discounting Larvitar. it's unfortunately the only choice. Unfortunately, because it's not that great to begin with.

Bug: Heracross.
Sleep Talk was a really nice surprise to see during his Sinnoh League tenure, especially when it resulted in Darkrai getting a face full of Megahorn.

Ghost: N/A.
He never did catch Haunter and has yet to catch a Ghost type.

Steel: N/A.
He has yet to catch a Steel type.

Fire: Charizard.
Do I even need to explain myself? Infernape's good but Charizard has never needed Blaze.

Water: Greninja.
Hands down.

Grass: Sceptile.
He defeated the Darkrai that griefed so many Pokemon in the Sinnoh League, how could I not choose him for this?

Electric: Pikachu.
Even if Ash had any other Electric types, Pikachu would still be on this list...

Psychic: N/A.
He has yet to catch a Psychic type.

Ice: Glalie.
Performed admirably after evolving in the Hoenn League.

Dragon: Goodra.
Even with Draco Meteor, Gible can't compare with Goodra. Obviously Ash's only psuedo-legendary would make it on here, it's much better than any Noivern they can try to squeeze out of Noibat.

Dark: Krookodile.
I know I already put him on this list, but screw it. Scraggy simply doesn't deserve to be here.

Fairy: N/A.
He has yet to catch a Fairy type.
