It’s Saturday and you know what that means. AEW Battle Of The Belts will go down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

Start time for AEW Battle Of The Belts is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Britt Baker (c) vs. Riho
  • Interim TNT Championship: Dustin Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara
  • FTW Championship: Ricky Starks (c) vs. Matt Sydal

JR welcomes us to the show and the first man out is Dustin Rhodes! Arn Anderson accompanies Rhodes to the ring and the next man out is Sammy Guevara. Davey Crockett is at ringside and will present the winner with the Interim TNT Championship.

Interim TNT Championship: Dustin Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara

Handshake to start of, Rhodes gets a headlock, armdrag, Guevara gets an armdrag, both men evenly matched. Rhodes pretends to get tired after running the ropes, Guevara cockily rests in the turnbuckles, Rhodes gets a kick and an uppercut, Sammy gets a rollup, 2 count. Guevara gets an uppercut and sends Rhodes out of the ring.

Rhodes thrown into the barricade. Guevara goes face to face with Anderson, he pretends to hold a gun to his head, Anderson gives him the finger. Rhodes with chops, Rhodes sends Guevara knee first into the steel steps, Rhodes does a piledriver on the outside! Rhodes lets Guevara get counted out, Guevara beats the count at 9.

Picture in Picture.

Rhodes hits a powerslam, cover, 2 count. Rhodes with chops in the corner, then 10 right hands. Guevara hits a big clothesline, Rhodes rolls out of the ring. Guevara hits a springboard senton! Back in the ring, Guevara with an enziguri, Rhodes catches Guevara with a CrossRhodes, cover, 2 count! Rhodes hits the Code Red, cover, 2 count. Guevara hits Rhodes with the GTH, cover, 1, 2, kick out!

Fuego Del Sol comes out from under the ring and sets up at table on the outside. Anderson faces him down, he pretends to get a gun and Fuego runs away. Guevara hits a pump kick on the apron, Rhodes hits the Code Red off the apron, through the table! “This is awesome” chants, Rhodes covers, 2 count. Rhodes hits the CrossRhodes, then a second CrossRhodes, Guevara hits a superkick, then a double clothesline from both men.

Rhodes with a rollup,2 count, both men reverse pins on each other and Guevara gets the upper hand and gets a 3 count!

WINNER: “And New” Interim TNT Champion, Sammy Guevara!

Davey Crockett presents Sammy Guevara with the Interim TNT Championship! Rhodes hugs Guevara in respect. Daniel Garcia gets in the ring and goes face to face with Guevara. Garcia and Guevara brawl in the ring as referees runs down to break up the brawl.

Commercial Break.

Tony Schiavone is with Sammy Guevara backstage. Guevara challenges Garcia to an open challenge match on Dynamite.

Matt Sydal makes his entrance. Ricky Starks is out next to defend the FTW Championship. Hobbs accompanies Starks to ringside.

FTW Championship: Ricky Starks (c) vs. Matt Sydal

Sydal with chops and kicks to start, Starks gets a back elbow, high kick from Sydal, standing moonsault, cover, 1 count. Sydal with a rollup, 1 count, kick to the hamstring, Starks kicked out of the ring by Sydal. Outside the ring, Hobbs goes face to face with Sydal.

Picture in Picture.

Starks gets a headlock, Sydal elbows his way out, Starks with a back elbow, elbows in the corner, then a uranagi, cover, 2 count. Sydal with a roundhouse kick, running knee in the corner, hurricanrana off the top rope, Sydal with a Michinoku Driver, cover, 2 count. Sydal with a deep rollup, 2 count. Sydal with a high knee, then another roundhouse kick, Lightning Spiral, cover, 2 count. Sydal hits a Meteora, cover, 2 count as Starks gets to the ropes.

Starks hits a big Spear, then hits the Rochambeau, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” FTR Champion, Ricky Starks!

Starks and Hobbs beat down Sydal in the corner, Lee Moriarty runs down to make the save but Hobbs overpowers him. Dante Martin runs down and takes out Starks. He goes face to face with Hobbs but his strikes do little damage, Martin gets some strikes in on Hobbs and kicks Hobbs out of the ring. Starks pulls Hobbs away up the ramp.

Commercial Break.

Video package for Baker vs. Riho. Riho is the first woman out for our main event. The AEW Women Champion, Britt Baker is out next, accompanied by Rebel and Jaime Hayter.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Britt Baker (c) vs. Riho

Lock up, Rebel and Hayter grab Riho’s boot, Baker gets a headlock, shoulder block, Riho with a dropkick, Baker escapes the ring. Riho hits a crossbody off the top rope to the outside. Baker hits a slingblade on Riho. Hayter gets a table, Riho attacks Baker with a dragon suplex on the outside and a dropkick to Hayter.

Back in the ring, Riho hits a missile dropkick, Baker drives Riho face first into the turnbuckle, then boots to Riho’s face in the corner.

Picture in Picture.

Riho with a double foot stomp, cover, 2 count. Baker blocks a suplex, Riho with forearms, high boot, hurricanrana, running knee in the corner. Riho hits the Tiger Feint Kick, cover, 2 count. Rebel pulls Baker out of the way of a double foot stomp and puts herself in the way, Riho hits the stomp on Rebel. Baker moves out of the way of another double foot stomp, Baker with a forearm and then an Air Raid Crash, cover, 2 count. Rebel gives Baker the glove, Riho with elbow strikes, Baker with elbows, Baker reverse a dragon suplex and gets a LockJaw. Riho makes it to the ropes.

Hayter and Rebel distract the ref and Baker goes for the LockJaw again, Riho reverses into a pin, 2 count. Baker hits the Curbstomp, cover, 2 count. Hayter and Rebel give the belt to Baker, the ref throws them out, Riho knees Baker into Hayter, Riho hits the Crucifix Bomb, then a Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count! Baker hits a high boot,, superkick, Curbstomp, cover, 2 count! Baker transitions into LockJaw and Riho taps out!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW Women’s World Champion, Britt Baker!

Rebel and Hayter argue over who gives the belt to Baker, Baker celebrates as Battle Of The Belts goes off the air!
